Hi, I’m Renee’ Swackhamer

I am passionate about helping you become “Your Own Best Health Advocate.” I understand how you and all patients are disempowered in the current healthcare system. I help you to take back your health with a customized 90-day program involving the five pillars of health: sleep, attitude, nutrition, movement, and community.

My approach is “Skills and not Pills.”

In the past 20 years, I have worked as a Registered Nurse educating cardiac patients about how to reduce their risk for another heart attack through lifestyle changes. Through working with hundreds of patients, I realize how little people know about the impacts of their nutrition and lifestyle habits on the quality of their overall health.

I became a Certified Health and Life Coach so I could give people with health challenges alternatives to the traditional approach of pills, pills and more pills. Instead, I emphasize the five pillars of health: sleep, attitude, nutrition, movement, and community.

My professional training and certifications include:

Through working with me, you will discover the power of “Synergy Health” where your mind, body and spirit feel aligned and resilient. You will learn to “Live with Grace and Grit.”

What sets me apart from other health coaches is my nursing background in preventative health and cardiac nursing education.

Education leads to Transformation

Contact me to learn more about how we might work together to help you reach your health goals.